From the back cover: A body of evidence of a story that needs to be told. A true story about a pensioner's legal battle that began in the 1970's to which she encountered a thirty year struggle against the inequalities of the English legal justice system.
Marcus Kerridge-McColl says this is "The sad reality":
What an amazing, heart rendering plight of a woman who was damned by the Law Society. I knew Peggy from 1999 and I can now fully understand and appreciate why she was so biitter. The lady I knew was of such a strong character obviously stemming from the trials and tribulations that she had to face. Ann has written this book highlighting Peggy's plight and I wish I had known the full details before we lost this heroic woman. Rest in Peace Peggy and know that Ann has delivered an excellent report and lets hope that the Solicitors and the like face the repercussions of their actions for years to come.
"Peggy Wood's story stands as a warning to anyone trusting in justice and as tribute to her indomitable spirit." - Jane Mackenzie, Reporter for Private Eye.
Written and self-published by Ann Wragg this book is available in Electronic and Paperback format, please contact us for more details.